Restaurant Phoenix

Healthy eating course

From farm to fork

The nature in the pot without compromise

healthy and wholesome foods

Essential from each other

Quality research

Products at km 0 for a local involvement

Welcome to the new Phoenix

The Phoenix restaurant, run by chef and owner Sandro Ostorero, after the renovation in May of 1987 the inn with inn run by the grandmother Josephine.
For four generations, my mother's family has always sought to feed and the happiness of its customers.
From 1 February 2016 the restaurant is transformed into a vegetarian.
After 30 years you need a change. To taste our dishes which will, as far as possible, from natural raw material, organic or biodynamic will not have to become a vegetarian, but for a day, curious to a food healthier and more respectful of our environment.

The kitchen
My kitchen is not bound to any ideology or worldview, simply I like to cook vegetarian.
"Vegetarian" vegetus from the Latin meaning: healthy, vigorous, full of life energy. Eating healthy for the sake of health.
My dishes are packed with passion and help me to love my Work: the recipes have purely roots and Mediterranean ingredients with fun "tips" from the world, discovered during my travels, passion second only to the kitchen!
In my course I try to add to the pleasure a fair balance nutrition.

Sandro Ostorero


MENU OF THE DAY  22-10-2024
We inform our customers that the TODAY restaurant is closed for the day.

insalata con zucca in agrodolce, cavolo, barbabietola rossa, farro, lenticchie nere e nocciole, salsa brusca   U   C  € 12 € 7
Brodetto di verdure e miso con fagiolini di mare, kumquat e misticanza aromatica   V  € 12 € 7
quiche ai porri di Cervere con fonduta di toma di Condove al timo   U   C   L  € 12 € 7
millefoglie di porcini trifolati   V  € 12 € 7
FIRST PLATE Portion Half
Ochette Masseria Olimpo con con aglio nero, prezzemolo, olio e peperoncino, pane croccante   V  € 12 € 7
agnolotti vegetali al burro e salvia   U   L  € 14 € 8
Gnocchi di patate di Mocchie e segale con crema di toma di Condove e pomodori secchi   U   L  € 14 € 8
Risotto con zafferano Iraniano e stracciatella   C   L  € 14 € 8
MAIN PLATE Portion Half
Frittelle di ricotta di bufala e ceci su salsa di pomodoro e origano   U   C   L  € 14 € 8
uovo cotto a bassa temperatura su crema di zucca, toma del lait brusch di Condove e noci   U   C   L  € 14 € 8
porcini fritti   U  € 16 € 9
Fagioli cannellini in salsa di peperoni con spinaci scottati e pane alla curcuma, cipolla fritta   V  € 14 € 8

Experience menu

A 5-course journey, plus a dessert, born from our creativity and philosophy;
to make you discover the world of vegetarian flavors.

The menu will be created only for the entire table.

The cost of the menu is 35 euros excluding drinks
50 euros with matching wine by glass

The Wines

For years we offer our customers a wide selection. Our paper It offers a wide range of products ranging from the territory to Piedmont, the Italian regional and world wines with a predilection for French wines.

Over time, as for the kitchen, we try to select more producers vinify in a natural, organic and, even better, biodynamic.

The passion for wine led me to create a wine for sale to public, in which you will be recommended or you can taste the product chosen in a dedicated environment.

The Winery

Find Us
Via Magnoletto 18 (Strada per Mocchie), 10055 Condove (TO) 
 +39 011 96 43 392 
Lunedi Chiuso
Martedi chiuso
Mercoledi 19,00-22,00
Giovedi 19,00-22,00
Venerdi 19,00-22,00
Sabato 19,00-22,00
Domenica 12,00-16,00
Orario Asporto/Delivery

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2024 Ristorante Phoenix Condove (TO) | P.I. 04880700010
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